Find Your Perfect Kid Here! *Updated 1/5/24*
We are at the end of our birthing season for this year. We still have three 5 month old kids available, both female and male as well as four females that are one year old. All males have been wethered. All have been disbudded or naturally polled which means they will not grow horns. Some are registerable full-blood Nigerian Dwarf kids and some are Pygmy/Nigerian Dwarf mixed kids.
NOTE: We are a PET/SHOW BREEDER of small Pygmy and Nigerian Dwarf goats. We do NOT have any meat goats.
We offer Nigerian Dwarf baby goats from our registered goat stock suitable for showing or non-registered mixed Nigerian Dwarf and Pygmy goats for pets. Our babies are available in a variety of color patterns with blue or brown eye color. All babies need a companion so be prepared to pick two!
Kids for SaleGoats are herd animals and you should consider purchasing in pairs unless you already have one close in age.
Our DoesTake a look at our does to see the mom of your selected kids.